SDtektiv's Halo 2

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Letters to Major League Gaming: "Cool Show, Bad Commericials"

This blog post shows four emails I've sent to Major League Gaming in this month. If you're reading a blog about Halo 2, chances are you've seen the show on TV or at least heard about it. All my thoughts on it were sent in these emails, and I said I wanted to publish their thoughts on the unneccessary sexy commericials that air each week with the show, but there was no reply.
I show all four emails separate from each other in chronological order. I have not added anything in or taken anything out (that's why it says "read on").

Sent on Saturday, November 11th 2006 to Email Count: 1. Days since last email: n/a. Days since first email: n/a.

Subject: TV Show Good, but bad commercials

Dear Major League Gaming,

I recently watched the first TV episode of your TV show. I was surprised at how cool it was and how seamlessly it showed multiple simultaneous events occuring during the matches. I never thought that a TV show about people playing Halo 2 could actually be that exciting. I also liked the interviews and the overhead and third-person-view recaps. In short, the show was awesome! I liked everything put into the show!

Though I liked the show a lot, I'm probably not going to watch it again because of the sexy commericials. "Boost Mobile" or whatever must be pretty desperate and not very confident in their products if they resort to sexually arousing gamers in order to sell their phones. The Halo 2-related commericials were pretty funny though, and it makes me sad because there's lots of great things in the show that interest me and I know eventually I'll get tired of switching the channel during every commercial break and hoping to switch back at the right time, and would end up watching the commercials, so that's why I wouldn't watch the show.

To put it bluntly, producers have for years been working up their potential consumers into having erections in order to sell products, and this is nothing new. I have enough temptation from my imagination and from everywhere else. I am willing to bet that you and them are more concerned about making money than about your potential viewers concerns, so I guess that's it. I wouldn't be surprised if you're secretly or publicly laughing at me for writing this, because I've tried being honest with things from the media about what I actually want versus what they think I want, and why should you be any different?

The TV show rocks! I liked it very much and I hope the show keeps doing what it's doing, but if it came without the sexy commericials I would actually watch it again. Until then, I guess your viewers will have to choose between not watching the show or watching it and hoping that they can have enough will to change to channel, and hoping that their friends and parents won't walk in during a sexy commercial.

-SDtektiv (pronounced "S Detective"), Age 16
PS: this email and your response will be published on the internet after your response is sent, so please choose your words carefully.


No reply


Sent on Friday, November 17 to Email Count: 2. Days since last email: 6. Days since first email: 6.

Subject: Feedback MLG TV WATCHER

Dear Major League Gaming,

I sent an email to you on Saturday, today is Friday. This email probably challenged you, and I hope you understand that I'm not angry with you or anything, I just want to be able to enjoy a cool TV show without having it be ruined by sexual commericials. I want you to have as much time as you need, up until Wednesday, to make a response, and if you are actually recieving this, please let me know. IF I AM SENDING THIS TO THE WRONG EMAIL, please let me know which email address I should send this to. I thought that sending it to your "Public Relations" email address would be the best way to go, but maybe you can help me by telling me which place to send it to.

I'm not trying to slander MLG, I just want to encourage you that you don't have to use sexy commericials, because your show is going to be very successful anyways. Perhaps I was being too hopeless in the first email, I'm not believing in you guys enough, I'm sure that you do have the public's interests in mind, so if you do, PLEASE reply. But just know that I'm planning to post your response so that other people can also know.

Anyway, below is the message I sent to you last Saturday.

I'm sure there's a chance you're just having a lot of email coming in, please get back to me as soon as you can!

Gamer, Age 16


No Reply


Sent on Friday, November 24 to Email Count: 3. Days since last email: 7. Days since first email: 13.

Subject: MLG watcher's thoughts

Hey MLG,

It's been thirteen days since I sent that first email, and I've been opening my email almost everyday in hope of seeing a response. Since I haven't gotten a response, I'm going to try sending it to another one of your listed contact email addresses, and I hope that the right person gets it this time! It would be very helpful to your fans if you would just tell us when we've sent it to the wrong email. After 6 days of waiting I sent you another email with a copy of the first email included.

I was really hoping to hear what you had to say on the controversial topic


Read on to see what the first two emails were about, and please respond accordingly. I hope to inform others on it because my friends who were watching the show were wondering the same thing.


No Reply


Sent on Tuesday, November 28 to Email Count: 4. Days since last email: 4. Days since first email: 17.

Subject: no longer watching your TV Show

Dear MLG,

I have tried.

I am tired of watching your quality program and having it ruined by the sexualized commericials that come with it every single week. Because of this I will no longer watch your show! In addition to this, I will not visit your website, I will not buy any of your products or clothes or anything else you have on your website. I will not support Boost Mobile or even think about it! I will significantly reduce the amount of I watch the channel "USA Networks". Though there was nothing wrong in the GameStop Commericials, because they are sponsoring you, GameStop is now my last choice on where I buy video game consoles and supplies, and I will never again praise your TV show and I will encourage my friends, who are also upset by your commericials, to be proud that they've stopped watching your TV Show as well.

Age 16


SDtektiv's comments: if you agree that sexy commercials are unneccessary and unrelated to the Major League Gaming show, and either you wish they would change it or you've decided to stop watching the show and not buy their products, I encourage you to email them at their "Public Relations" email address: and let them know they're losing your money.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

rock on SD!!!

i totally agree man.

oh, BTW, this is Klutch [GT: Klutch27] from Podtacular!!

glad to see you reppin Halo2 on the net even when you are by your self!!

We miss you at Podtacular, so please drop by again, and [possibly] stay!!

thanks man!!


Tue Nov 28, 04:26:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you live in this world for one day then you are going to see "sexy" things everywhere. If you cant deal with seeing it maybe you should become a monk. Because if you continue on this way then you will never be able to watch any TV or movies or even go outside because there might be a girl in a short skirt. And seriously if your imigination is so wild everytime you look at a girl in a bathing suit you get excited, maybe you should get some counseling.

Tue Nov 28, 04:28:00 PM PST  
Blogger DM7000 said...

You do realize that what they are doing is a basic part of marketing? Sex sells...its a fact. There is nothing you can do about it. They wont change it because it attracts more viewers than it repels. I also agree with Butt Nacho. Sex is everywhere now. You cant change it because they make money out of it. Sure they might scare off a couple hundred customers but they will gain thousands more. This will keep escalting as well. So you see it's highly unlikely that MLG TV, USA, or their parent network will listen to a letter signed by a couple people. For them to even think about stopping you would need thousands upon thousands of people to agree with you, and there isnt that many. Sex is here to stay...its a fact of life. It makes money and attracts thousands they will not stop for one person.

Tue Nov 28, 05:07:00 PM PST  
Blogger Dan Manning said...

I agree with DM. Sex sells. It's a fact. Besides, more like it than don't. They are targeting the 18-34 male demographic. I have to say, most people in that demographic would rather see a hot chick and a cell phone than a cell phone. I'm sure I would.

Tue Nov 28, 05:13:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jason Guidry said...

Yes, it's true that sex sells, and it's true that it will take thousands upon thousands for the network to change their commercials.

You might not watch the show, but you can't be responsible for everyone else's actions, they have to make the effort themselves.

I personally haven't watched this show, but after hearing your reaction to it, I won't. Why? Because based on what I know about your character and integrity, I trust your opinion.


Wed Nov 29, 06:52:00 AM PST  
Blogger DM7000 said...'s not the show thats like that it's just the commercials. The show itself is amazingly good. Also SD if you small 30 second ad causes you to have extreme lust thats a problem. I dont think most people go nuts just for it.

Wed Nov 29, 02:02:00 PM PST  
Blogger SDtektiv said...

Would you feel comfortable watching one of the Boost Mobile commercials if your girlfriend or mom walked in while it was playing? The "love" you and I get from some of the stuff on TV is fake, a lie, and disrespectful towards women. Women are more than sexual objects for us to look at, they have souls. There's nothing wrong with the sexual attraction between a man and a woman. However, when we abuse this sexual attraction and treat it as entertainment, that's when it becomes perverted.

And as to why I'm trying to say something about it? The reason is because when the Disciples asked Jesus how to pray, one of the things He said to pray for was "May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Regardless of how impossible it is, God wants us to desire for his will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Why? I don't know. But it's clear in scripture that in Jesus's opinion:

looking at sexy female body = lust = sex = adultery
(if not married)

I sometimes wonder why God designed our bodies to desire sex even up to 10 years before the average man gets married, but maybe it probably wouldn't be as hard if sexy pictures weren't everywhere as a notable by the nomenclature of nacho narrated.

And as for needing counseling? I agree with you guys! I'm also gonna need counseling from how much I've been mocked for this! j/k

I know I have a lot of problems, but God has been very forgiving and He's working on me.

Wed Nov 29, 02:45:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly I would not feel uncomfortable at all if my mom was sitting there watchin the boost mobile commercial with me, maybe a girls gone wild commercial and then only a little bit. And I wouldn't feel embarrassed because it isn't like I put the commercial on the show. Plus my mom dosen't care,I've seen quite a few R rated movies with her and havn't felt embarrassed yet. But I guess that is just how I am. You remember that little comment I made SD about your DVD player? Well honestly that was seriously nothing for me, I have said things 100 times worse than that and not cared at all...even in the presence of girls. And none of them care because everyone knows it is a joke. And those commercials have nothing wrong in them..and if you really wanna watch the show then just tape it and fast foward through the commercials.

Wed Nov 29, 07:24:00 PM PST  

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