SDtektiv's Halo 2

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wacky Gametypes with CVG

I recently participated in an event with my Halo 2 Clan "CVG Disciples". It was a lot of fun! We played "follow-the-rules" gametypes for about 3 hours and everyone followed the rules specific to the gametype with no problems (well of course since it's a Christian clan). A few of the gametypes we played were Tremors, which imitates the feature film, Cat And Mouse, Zombies, Zombie Hill, and a a few new ones I hadn't played before called "President" and "Lava Monster." Because of the follow-the-rules nature of the games, I usually don't play these very often on LIVE, saving them for Halo 2 Xbox LAN partays.

It was a great time and good theme for an event. It's a new group so we've had two events so far: a "Free For All Fun Night" and this "Wacky Gametypes Night." When I was a part of Podtacular I would present raps about events for the event, and so this time I got to present my rap about wacky gametypes.

Here's the end of it for your enjoyment.

In Zombies we must. Defend this house.
But we must drive away. In Cat and Mouse.
In half-hour Tower of Power the frame-rate can be lame like
I can't think of any other wacky gametypes
I bet we got some aggressive and some tame types
I bet Miller's happy that you all came right?
Not knowing many people in the clan was lame like
it was time to have a Halo 2 event with crazy gametypes



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