Got BxR?
I BxR only if I remember to do it. Some people say that it's wrong to BxR, but BxRing doesn't involve hacking your Xbox or modified content or any network cheating or anything. In a few hidden posts on Bungie dot net, Bungie employees have stated that they believe that weapon glitching is considered cheating to them, but hardly anyone knows about that. The most people read about cheating is usually the Cheating FAQ on Bungie dot net, in which weapon glitching is not mentioned and it is stated that you won't get banned for superjumping (though most people don't like it when people superjump, so I don't try it because I don't want to offend their conscience).
Sure, Bungie employees have posted in their forums as replies to people that they consider weapon glitching to be unsporting, but they haven't made any official, front page announcements about this---they haven't even put it in their FAQ.
The fact is that most of the Halo 2 community considers weapon glitchingWhen a player utilizes the bug, they aren't doing it to get an unfair advantage over people, they're just playing to win and using a common technique that happened to not be intended in the game.
sporting, because they don't know that members of Bungie Studios consider it
What about the n00b combo? It's been said that it's more powerful than they intended to be, and what about some tactical jumps or slide jumps that weren't intended to be in the game, are these outlawed too? Because there hasn't been a front page announcement or a message in one of those "Did you know?" things you see when you wait for a match, saying that weapon glitching is bad, it's mostly unknown.
Tell someone who doesn't know about it that exploiting the bug of weaponMany Halo 2 websites geared towards those on LIVE mention weapon glitching as a technique just like slide jumping or crouching while meleeing to dodge the enemy's melee is a technique. They don't know that the creators of Halo 2 are anti-weapon glitching, so they don't have a guilty conscience about it or do it because it's some sort of "forbidden art."
glitching is considered cheating by Bungie Studios, and they most likely won't
believe you, unless someone has given them multiple links to the undercover
posts in the Bungie Forums.
The point is that the general consensus is that exploiting the bug of weapon glitching is sporting, and hardly anyone thinks twice about it because Bungie (mad props for creating the best game) hasn't tried to announce that they think it's cheating.
Exploiting bugs has been a part of competetive video game play (for example fighting games), and it hasn't been ever considered wrong to do this, though, since Bungie regulates their matchmaking system and who gets banned for cheating, maybe if you haven't mastered weapon glitching yet perhaps consider not mastering it, though it's fully up to you.
I fully respect Bungie, and I actually don't weapon glitch that much, because I
was one of the lucky few who had a friend let me in on the secret that they some of them think it's illegal in matchmaking before I
developed weapon glitching into my bag o' tricks.
I can't get angry or offended if someone used weapon glitching against me, because weapon glitches were well-established as legitimate techniques long before Bungie "sorta" "announced" otherwise.
The only front-page mention of it I've seen was a joke about how a Bungie employee actually uses the BxR. (The joke was calling him a hypocrit).
Still, they are in charge of matchmaking, and I respect people who beg to differ
on the subject of this post, but if Bungie was really passionate about the
weapon-glitching, I believe they should either be really up-front about their
position and be committed to it... but from my observation their staff is at
least slightly divided in their beliefs on this technique, and if they can get
every member of their staff to be dead-set on actually announcing it, including
putting a thing in that "Did you Know" box about how exploiting weapon glitches
is bad, there's a whole lot of a better chance of people knowing their position,
let alone follow it.
As for me, I'm going to just play with my instincts with the existing skills I have so far, be it the smg + plasma rifle combo, crouch-melee-ing, and just maybe the seasonal BxR.
Labels: Soapbox