SDtektiv's Halo 2

Monday, December 04, 2006

Seeking Your Funny Halo 2 LIVE Quotes!

Hey people!

Y'know those things that appear at the top of my blog as quotes? It's a blogger hack! I know, pretty l33t huh? Uh... Ok maybe not l33t, just \_ee7...
but as for \_337? Well that's out of the question.

The point is that I know a lot of you have some funny things that have been said on LIVE in your bag of tricks, and I'm considering adding some of those into the mix that randomly appear at the top of the blog! I thought it would be cool if you could submit your own funny Halo 2-related quote and I would consider considering putting it into the mix, of course with it being attributed to your Gamertag!

So press refresh a few times, look at the quote change each time, get a feel for it, and share your Halo 2 LIVE funny quotes!
Comment Away!



Blogger Jason Guidry said...

I've found that the best (and if not, most original) thing to say is: Your mom.

Favorite: (I don't talk much durning a match)

Other player: Wow! How did you kill those three guys with one grenade?
Me: Magic.

Or as my brother tells me: Using a sniper rifle is cheating!


Tue Dec 05, 06:56:00 AM PST  
Blogger SDtektiv said...

Alright Dude! I put them into the code. With those quotes being attributed to "TEH FLI", naturally. The one with "durning" I put as "submitted by TEH FLI" since I didn't want it to look like it was something you said.

I believe I put each of those in except for the one saying using sniper is cheating. The way I see it, if you don't want people to use sniper, just set the "weapons on map" to no sniping.

Anyway I was pressing refresh and yours came up a few times, so I think it's working good! Thanks for the quotes man!

Tue Dec 05, 06:38:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Tue Dec 05, 10:38:00 PM PST  
Blogger SDtektiv said...

wyoming said...
"I use the occasional SD's edit= bleeprostitute"
-calibretto SBG-

"SD's edit = huh!?"
-wyoming SBG-


SD says:
Uhh... thanks for sharing but not exactly my cup o' tea if you know what I'm sayin', I know you didn't mean any harm but I got friends and fambly reading this thing!

Wed Dec 06, 04:14:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SD you know this one:
I have a bad habit of appologizing to the people I kill for killing them.

Wed Dec 06, 05:51:00 PM PST  
Blogger SDtektiv said...

Alright Crimson!

I added your quote! I know it's there because I pressed "refresh" about 27 times and then I saw it come up!

Thu Dec 07, 05:16:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jason Guidry said...

Haha, I can't believe I spelled 'during' wrong...

Fri Dec 08, 08:15:00 AM PST  
Blogger SDtektiv said...

Oh! I wasn't sure if it was a typo or if you heard someone actually say "durning" and you were submitting that!

Fri Dec 08, 09:26:00 PM PST  

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